Management of New Invasive Pests of Ficus trees in Hawaii’s urban landscapes, Zhiquiang Cheng, Assistant Extension Specialist, Dept Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences, University of Hawaii, Manoa.
This study will test soil drench treatments / irrigation methods on Leaf and Stem Gall Wasp on Ficus microcarpa (and other F. species), and soil drench treatments for newly-encountered Lobate Lac Scale which is becoming a problem on F. benjamina. Both Ficus species are common landscape trees in HI and in SoCal. The pests cause twig die-back and thinning of foliage. The project intends to identify integrated and sustainable programs to manage these new invasive pests of Ficus trees in Hawaii’s urban landscapes.
Watch Zhiquiang Cheng’s research presentation from The Britton Fund’s “2020 Research Round Up” live stream event. Read Dr. Cheng’s article “Research Update on Management of New Invasive Pests of Ficus Trees in Hawaii’s Urban Landscape” published in the Western Arborist magazine, Fall 2019.