Established in 2006, The Britton Fund is a 501(c)(3), nonprofit organization that raises private and public philanthropy to support science-based research and educational opportunities for arborists and those working in the tree care industry in the west.
The Britton Fund is a strategic partner with the Western Chapter of the International Association of Arboriculture (WCISA).
What does The Britton Fund do?
The Britton Fund is committed to raising awareness and the financial support necessary to create the resources and opportunities that will help our tree care professionals maintain healthy trees and urban forests for today and for future generations to enjoy.
Through its fundraising efforts, it accomplishes its mission in several ways.
The Britton Fund awards research grants in the field of arboriculture with emphasis on issues important to the geographic area of California, Nevada, Arizona, and Hawaii.
In partnership with the Western Chapter of the International Society of Arboriculture (WCISA), new science-based information is shared through a variety of sponsored publications, seminars, and conferences.
Academic scholarships are made available through the Richard W. Harris Urban Horticulture Scholarship Program to talented undergraduate students majoring in Environmental Horticulture and Urban Forestry at the University of California, Davis.
Support for youth education is provided through the TreeCircusand the Treetures, delivering hands-on educational experiences and inspiring resources to teachers and students in kindergarten through the sixth grade.
Thanks to your donations, The Britton Fund has invested over $188,200.00 into tree research and education.
Where does its funding come from?
Programs supported through The Britton Fund are made possible by the generosity of the WCISA community including WCISA members, corporate sponsors, foundations, industry partners, private and public donors, who share in the belief that education and research will advance the tree care profession.
Fundraising events include The Britton Fund Ride andSilent Auction, which raise important dollars every year and also create a special comradery among tree enthusiasts. Proceeds from our annual Education Day are dedicated to future research awards and industry presentations.
Why should I make a donation?
Because we care for trees!
The environment in which our tree care professionals work today is changing rapidly. Now, more than ever, there is a genuine need for easy access to information about the health and well-being of our neighborhood trees and natural forests.
Your donation will be dedicated to funding science-based research, educational opportunities, an abundance of resources, and will bring together a network of community professionals, which will benefit you in the tree care industry.
Whether you are a consulting arborist, business owner, maintenance professional, scientific researcher, teacher, or someone who simply appreciates trees, you will benefit from the resources that are supported by The Britton Fund.
Vision. Ensure a healthy sustainable environment in a changing world through fundraising, research, and education.
Mission. Provide funding for research and education to benefit the field of arboriculture and urban forestry with emphasis on issues inherent to the geographic area of California, Nevada, Arizona, and Hawaii.
Purpose. Create and enable knowledge by raising financial support for research and education to promote excellence and advancement in the field of arboriculture for the public good.