Ways to Give

You make the difference. Get involved today!

Your support is essential for The Britton Fund to provide the funding necessary to create the research grants, support educational opportunities, scholarships, and publications that will benefit the field of arboriculture and urban forestry with emphasis on issues inherent to the geographic area of California, Nevada, Arizona, and Hawaii.

We appreciate every gift, and every gift matters because it signals your belief in the importance of our work in the tree-care industry in the west. 

Oscar Sanchez, Britton Fund Board Member, ISA Certified Arborist at TreeCareLA

Here are some ways to give.

Annual Giving

Individual giving. Your annual gift is very important to the mission of The Britton Fund. Your contribution is the support that will be used to fund research grants, educational opportunities, youth programs, and scholarships every year.

Monthly Sustainer. Supporting The Britton Fund with a recurring donation is simple and convenient. Use your credit card to make a lasting impact and provide a reliable stream of revenue. By donating monthly, you help us plan for the future with confidence in your ongoing support. Join us in making a difference.  Donate today!

Tribute and Celebration Giving

Embrace the cherished memories of someone who deeply touched our lives by making a Tribute donation in their honor. This meaningful contribution serves as a heartfelt acknowledgment of their lasting impact and the life they shared with us. 

Mark those special moments and milestones with a Celebration gift to The Britton Fund. Whether it’s a birthday, work anniversary, or noteworthy achievement, this donation beautifully symbolizes the significance of the friends, family members, or mentors who enrich our lives. 

If you belong to a group or company interested in creating a Tribute or Celebration Fund for someone special, let us help you promote this opportunity. Contact us at info@thebrittonfund.org.

Event Sponsorships and Exhibit Space

Annual fundraising events include The Britton Fund Ride and Silent and Live Auction both held in conjunction with the WCISA annual conference, an annual Education Day, a Volunteer Work Day, and a variety of educational workshops throughout the Western Chapter of ISA. Sponsorship can place your name in front of hundreds of WCISA members, business owners, decision makers, and other professionals within the tree care industry. Our events increase public awareness, engagement opportunities, and build valuable partnerships. Explore which event might be a great match for you. Contact us at info@thebrittonfund.org

Conference and workshop sponsorships and exhibit space are also available and may benefit The Britton Fund. For more information about these special opportunities, please contact us at us at info@thebrittonfund.org.

Major Gifts and Grants

The Britton Fund actively pursues major gifts and grant opportunities from individuals, private organizations, corporations, foundations, state and federal agencies. This funding sustains and may increase the amount of our research awards and the number of workshops, seminars, publications that we make available to WCISA members and others. Let’s have a discussion about your interest or a connection that you may have and help us plan for the future.  Contact us at info@thebrittonfund.org

Legacy Giving

Make a lasting impact on the future of arboriculture by considering a Legacy Gift for The Britton Fund. Legacy giving involves making a thoughtful arrangement today that will support our mission in the future. Whether it’s a cash gift, stocks, life insurance policies, retirement accounts, or even real estate, your contribution will ensure the sustainability of our efforts to support our tree-care professionals and the trees we love. Contact us at info@thebrittonfund.org

Purchase a Publication

Sponsored publications are available for sale through The Britton Fund’s online bookstore. They may also be purchased at the annual WCISA conference. Grow your knowledge and build your personal research library. Proceeds from your purchase will allow The Britton Fund to support future research, publications, and educational opportunities.


Help us get the job done with your gift of time! Be involved, network with your friends, work side-by-side with us through service on a Britton Fund committee. Or help with one of our many events, such as the Annual Britton Fund Ride, Silent and Live Auction, Education Day, a Volunteer Work Day, or one of the many educational workshops offered throughout the year. Your gift of time is always appreciated. Contact us at info@thebrittonfund.org

    Together, we give.  Together, we care for trees. 

Do you have a question about making a donation, volunteering your time, or have a great idea? We’d like to hear from you! Contact us by email at info@thebrittonfund.org or call us at 559-784-8733.

The Britton Fund, Inc. is a 501c3 organization. Federal Tax  ID #68-0634735. Contributions may be tax deductible under IRS regulations. Our mission is to provide funding for research and education to benefit the field of arboriculture and urban forestry with emphasis on issues inherent to the geographic area of California, Nevada, Arizona, and Hawaii.