The Britton Fund is proud to co-sponsor a Golden Gate Audubon Society publication on trees and wildlife: Healthy Trees, Healthy Birds: A guide for cities, contractors, consultants, maintenance workers, and homeowners.
Golden Gate Audubon has produced a guide discussing when birds nest, how to look for nests, and when it is okay to prune, as well as the laws that apply, including the Migratory Bird Treat Act, and state and local codes. It also discusses why taking birds to a wildlife center should be a last resort (parent birds are much more successful at raising young than humans are); and when and how to re-install a nest that has fallen or how to re-nest young birds that have fallen, if appropriate and necessary.
The booklet was publicly released this June, at the public release of 4 baby night herons who had been injured in a tree trimming incident outside an Oakland post office a month earlier. Read about it on SF Gate here.
“We are all deeply committed to preventing harm to birds, especially during spring and summer nesting season,” said Golden Gate Audubon Executive Director Cindy Margulis. “Toward that end, Golden Gate Audubon has just published an informative brochure for arborists and backyard gardeners that is available at We will also be offering workshops for arborists on wildlife-friendly tree care.”
Britton Fund Board President, Doug Anderson, presented a $1,500 check to Roy Leggitt, representing the Golden Gate Audubon Society at our 2013 workshop at Stanford University.